How to get more buyers (10 expert tactics)

How to get your ideal clients to buy.

My free Clients From Content: 1-Page Masterclass:

12 things you'll learn in this episode:

04:00: The most important thing to learn when interviewing your customers
09:00: How to apply the "jobs to be done" theory to your product
13:00: The difference between understanding buyers and understanding why they bought a product
19:00: How to combine customer research with customer conversations you already have
24:00: The two questions I ask everyone who buys from me
27:00: 3 powerful questions to ask in a customer discovery call
33:00: 3 assumptions marketers make that are usually wrong
41:00: The one thing you should assume drives most customer decisions
46:00: How to get more conversions from your headlines
47:00: How to improve your call to action
50:00: The best way to improve your email list signup page
1:01:00: The best news perfectionists will ever hear

Show Notes:
The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen:
The Innovators Solution by Clayton M. Christensen and Michael E. Raynor:
Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz:

To Connect with Katelyn Bourgoin: 

To connect with Josh Spector:
Apply to be a guest on the show:
Intro Music Provided By Uppbeat

How to get more buyers (10 expert tactics)
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